Hugh Miller
Associate Professor, Mining Engineering

Brown Hall 215
Academic Appointment and Responsibilities
2005 – Present:
Colorado School of Mines, Department of Mining Engineering
Associate Professor
Responsibilities include the education, mentoring, and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, the pursuit of research activities, and performing service contributions both internal and external to CSM. Current research activities include occupational health & safety, artesianal mining in the developing World, mining systems & equipment technology, hydraulic excavation, and waterjet technology.
2001 – 2005:
International Center for Mine Health, Safety & Environment
This Center represents a unique collaboration between academic units in mining, public health, and environmental & earth sciences, in conjunction with select federal and state agencies, international aid organizations, foreign universities, and several industry partners. The objective of this group is to promote creative, fiscally responsible, and sustainable improvement in the health and welfare of miners and mining communities in developing countries. Current projects included activities in Sub-Saharan Africa, Philippines, and the Guyana Shield ( South America).
1999 – 2005:
University of Arizona , Dept. of Mining and Geological Engineering
Assistant Professor
The responsibilities associated with this position are exceptionally broad and include the education, mentoring, and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students, research and the pursuit of scholarly works, and service contributions both internal and external to the University. Current teaching activities include undergraduate and graduate courses in Mine Health & Safety, Mine Examination/Valuation, Mine Unit Operations, and Mine Design. Areas of research include hydraulic mining and waterjet technology, excavation systems, and occupational mine health and safety .
1999 – 2005:
MGE San Xavier Mining Laboratory
Director & Faculty Advisor
Responsibilities include oversight of all activities conducted at the facility, including undergraduate education, research, community outreach & tours, professional development/training, regulatory compliance, financial and personnel management, and site administration. The facility is a Mine Rescue Training Facility for the State of Arizona, home of the Laborers AGC Underground Tunnel Training Program, and is recognized by federal and state regulatory authorities as a designated training facility.
Current Research
- Western Mining Safety Program. Co-Principal Investigators: Janet Torma-Krajewski and Hugh Miller. Sponsored by: CDC NIOSH. September 2014- September 2017.
- Cooperative Activities in Natural Resource and Mining Sectors in Afghanistan. Principal Investigator: Hugh Miller. Sponsored by: USGS International Program. September 2012- September 2014.
- The Development of a Remote Controlled Waterjet Slotting System for Underground Stoping. Principal Investigator: Hugh Miller. Co-Principal Investigators: Brian Asbury (CSM) and Larry Clark. Sponsored by: Newmont USA (CIERSE).
Professional Experience
1997 – Present:
Consulting Services
2001 – 2005:
Landmark Cast Stone, Inc.
2001 – 2005:
Arizona Mine Emergency Association
Board Member (2001-2005) & Officer (2003-2005)
1996 – 2000:
Hydroblaster Industries, Inc.
Director & Senior Partner
1996 – 1999:
IET Jet Technology, Inc.
Director of Operations & Project Manager
1994 – 1999:
IET Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Director & Associate Partner
1990 – 1996:
International Engineering Technology, Inc.
Project Engineer
1983 – 1993:
Was employed by the following Mining and Resource Companies in varying capacities, ranging from a consulting engineer to a full-time employee:
Sovereign Gold Company, Ltd.
Consulting Mining Engineer
San Juan Minerals, Ltd.
Associate Mining Engineer
TVX Mineral Hill Mine
Consulting Mining Engineer
CR-VCM Joint Venture, Inc.
Mine Superintendent
Virginia Canyon Mining Co.
Mining Engineer
CSM Edgar Mine
Graduate Student Mine Foreman
Hecla Mining Co.
Summer Employment
Two Brothers Mining Co.
Summer & Part-time Employment
Petty Ray/Geosource Inc.
Summer Employment
Asamera Mining Co.
Summer Employment
Professional Certifications
- Federally Certified (MSHA) Underground Safety Instructor
- BATF Explosives Licensee: Responsible Party & Possessor Designation
- Blaster and Explosives Handler Training Certificate
- Underground MSHA Safety Certificate
- Colorado School of Mines
Ph.D. Mining Engineering, 1996
Minor Degree: Environmental Science and Engineering Ecology
Academic Emphasis: Waterjet & Mechanical Excavation Systems - M.Sc. Mining Engineering, 1991
Academic Emphasis: Hard Rock Mine Design and Project Evaluation/Feasibility - B.Sc. Geophysical Engineering, 1986
Academic Emphasis: Mineral Exploration and Mining Engineering
Honors and Awards (2000 – Present)
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May 2005
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May 2004
- UA Foundation, Sherrill Creative Teaching Award Nominee, December 2003
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May 2003
- Meritorious Service Award, Arizona State Mine Inspectors Office, October 2002
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May 2002
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May, 2001
- UA, COEM, Excellence Award for Student Interface, May, 2000
Service to Professional Societies & Organizations (2005/2006)
- Arizona Mine Emergency Association, Board Member (2001-2005)
- Arizona Mine Emergency Association, Vice-President (2004/2005)
- Northwest Mining Association, Student Advisor (2000-2005)
- SME M&E Division, Executive Committee Member (2004-2007)
- SME M&E, Incoming Vice-Chair Publications (2005)
- SME Accreditation & Curricular Issues Committee (2003-2007)
- SME M&E Division, Nominating Committee Member (2004-2005)
- SME Saunders Gold Metal Award Incoming Committee Chair (2006)
- SME Saunders Gold Metal Award Committee Member (2002-2006)
- SME Jackling Awards Committee Member (2003-2005)
- SME Research Council, Committee Member (2002-2005)
- SME Information Publishing Committee, Committee Member (2002-2005)
- Waterjet Technology Association, Board Member (2005-2007)
- Waterjet Technology Association, Safety Committee Member (2003-2005)
Current Professional Organization Memberships (2005/2006)
- Mining & Metallurgical Society of America (MMSA)
- Northwest Mining Association (NWMA)
- Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME)
- Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Tucson Section
- Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., U of A Student Chapter
- Water Jet Technology Association (WJTA)
Professional Publications, Presentations and Short-Courses
Author of 18 technical publications, 4 technical manuals, 1 book chapter, and 2 theses. Presenter of 25 technical meetings/conferences, 7 technical short-courses, and 20+ training modules. Most of these works have focused on issues related to occupational health & safety, mine operations, and waterjet technology.
Research and Related Activities
Have actively participated in 28 public and privately sponsored research and/or development programs related to mining, occupational health & safety, and waterjet technology. Participation varied from program management to principle investigator. Current activities include applied research into mine operations, waterjet technology, occupational safety & industrial hygiene, and international mining issues.
Current Grants, Contracts, and Research (2005/2006)
- 2005-2008 CoPI, Underground Rock Scaling with Waterjets, NIOSH
- *PI, Controlled Blasting Methodologies and Blasting Gas Exposure Assessment, NIOSH
- *CoPI, International Evaluation of Injury Rates: A Comparison of Risk and Compliance Based Regulatory Approaches, NIOSH
- *PI, Waterjet Removal of Casting Residues from Large Diameter *Telescope Mirrors, Steward Observatory, Mirror Manufacturing Laboratory
- 2001-2006 CoPI, Occupational Health & Safety Research and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa, NIH Fogarty International Program.
- 2000-2005 Contract Administrator, New Miner Underground Tunnel Training Program, Laborers AGC, San Xavier Mining Laboratory, U. of Arizona
- 2004-2005 PI, An Engineering and Safety Analysis of Potential Remediation Strategies Associated with the Marinduque Mine Waste Disaster, Philippines Govt.
- 2003-2005 PI, Using Acoustic Fluid Signatures to Remotely Delineate Nozzle Wear in Automated Waterjet Systems, Private Sponsor